


Before Inoculation:

  1. Washing hands and equipment: Thoroughly wash hands and any equipment that will come into contact with the vaccine with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Vaccination site preparation: Clean and disinfect the injection site with an appropriate disinfectant.
  3. Vaccine storage: Store the vaccine at the recommended temperature and conditions.
  4. Vaccinator education: Ensure that the vaccinator is properly trained and informed about the vaccine and its handling.

After Inoculation:

  1. Documentation: Document the vaccination date, dose, and any adverse reactions.
  2. Storage and handling: Store the vaccine in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  3. Avoid touching or rubbing the vaccine: Handle the vaccine with care and avoid touching the injection site.
  4. Reporting adverse reactions: Report any suspected adverse reactions to the healthcare provider immediately.


Proper handling and storage of the vaccine before and after inoculation are crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of the vaccination. By following these guidelines, healthcare professionals can minimize the risk of vaccine-associated infections and ensure the safety of patients.
